now that I'm working for myself, I've been planning not only what I want to do, but how to get it done and figuring out who I can ask for help and guidance. top on that list is my personal advisory board - my father, mother and my aunt Libby. fortunately they were all together in florida so I flew down for a few days to pick their brains. and let's face it, be warm in february. my parents have always been north stars for me but between them they have extensive business and PR/communications experience. (it doesn't hurt that most of my loyal customers are friends of theirs.) and my aunt libby's entire career has been representing artists / illustrators, she's a patron of the arts and has been a champion of mine from the very beginning.

we talked through my game plan for this first year, what I hope to accomplish and what needed to change in order to make this work. they were thoughtful in their questions and responses, and made sure I worked through things thoroughly. it was fun to explain where I see myself this time next year and beyond, and hear their enthusiasm.

the visit was also great for inspiration gathering - crazy blue skies and water, lush greenery, the colorful shops in west palm beach - and I've got all kinds of ideas which is a really great feeling after not making anything for over two years.

all in all, it was a great way to celebrate leaving my old job and starting this new chapter. I'm seriously adding 'annual personal advisory board meeting' to next year's calendar. plus it's pretty great being an only child for a few days.

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