let’s check in on
shall we?
the wins and the misses.
I started with the idea that I’d write two blog posts each week. easy, right? well this is only the second post I’ve written in 4 weeks. 🙄I’m not entirely sure why but I do know that I get hung up on feeling like an imposter. like who wants to read what’s going on in my head? I need to remember that I enjoy watching/reading other people’s progress/processes. plus, I love going back to read my own posts so I’m recommitting to this piece of the challenge. even if it’s a quick photo and update.
I’ve really been enjoying the color studies which aren’t so much color studies as they are playing with color in an abstract way. I started to list out colors to work with each week and it felt really rigid and that’s not how I work. I’ve also made waaay more than two each week and I’m happy about that.
next, self-portraits… yeah, I haven’t done so well with those. I’ve made a few and found them incredibly frustrating which I get is part of the whole ‘challenge’ but since I’ve given myself three weekly components I’m comfortable dropping this one.
lastly, my newsletter. I was really planning to hit publish on January 30 but I struggled with getting the sign-up form to work (HUGE thank you to my friend/business nanny, Brittanny for working this out for me.) and then I wanted post about selling my pastel paintings but couldn’t do that until I photographed and listed them in my shop. I’m happy to say, it’s ready to go!!!

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